Urban farming and youth social work
Horses , flowers and greens as pathways to social competences and inclusion
At the Kinder and Jugend Bauernhof project of the social NGO “AWO” tanzanian volunteers from Kiels partner district Moshi contribute to a project focusing on youth from the surrounded densely populated area of Kiel Mettenhof. People from all over the world are living together in the community close to the social project. Children and youth are visiting the urban AWO farm to get direction in the surrounding urban jungle. Taking over responsibilities for animals, learning how to ride a horse , planting and caring for a green environment are some approaches to reach children and youth in an area where a lot of families live with limited means to access offers of the leisure industry. Bufdi volunteers like Solomon and his German peer Bufdis are giving support to create a unique social approach for Kiel and the youth of Mettenhof. Solomon gets the opportunity to experience all seasons on an urban youth farm project and to create awareness about life in Africa and environmental challenges worldwide.
Kinder- & Jugendbauernhof Kiel – local NGO
Arbeiterwohlfahrt Kreisverband Kiel e.V.
Skandinaviendamm 250
24109 Kiel
Solomon from Moshi:
Solomon is like his predecestor Imani a tour guide from Moshi district at the bottom of Mt. Kilimanjaro. Tour guides feel responsible to show directions and to make sure that people will reach their destinations.
Get in touch
If you are interested in joining our weltwärts reverse program or if you want to have mor information please contact us.